Friday, April 22, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Spring Training
Now that we are back from all our travels, we plan to spend some time here in our neighborhood. Good thing too, spring is here and its time for spring training. Dana has started training for her first post-pregnancy half-marathon. Come out and cheer her on in Olathe, KS on April 16th. Lawrence has also started his spring training, but Liam thinks he needs to add a little resistance to the schedule...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
We Love 2 Run
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
3 States in 2 Days
Saturday, we traveled to Kansas to see our nephew Ayden for his 2nd birthday party.
Lawrence got Liam warmed up for the party with some "roly poly" playtime.
Grandma Karen got some cuddles out of Liam too!
We traveled back that night in order to get up early for another full day of traveling and adventure. This time we headed east and made it all the way to Illinois (as far as St. Louis anyway,) for a bike expo and swap. It was another first for Liam; not only traveling to St. Louis, but also to a bike expo that will surely not be the last if Daddy has anything to do with it. We also made it to Trader Joes, a very interesting, and infamous grocery store, with many organic foods and cheap wine to boot!
As you can tell, Liam had a pretty full weekend, but he's already resting up for the next adventure we're cookin' up for him!
Monday, January 24, 2011
4 Months In... 18 years to go
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Snow Day
Well the holidays are beginning to fade into the past and we are starting to get back into the swing of things. However, this past week's snow storm that hit Columbia slowed down the town a bit and resulted in many school closings, but it created an atmosphere for many fun adventures for those kids who got to stay home. This includes the Simonson boys who managed to have quite an adventure of their own. Check out what fun Lawrence and Liam had...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
New Year with a New Baby

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Wrenicks are the Best!

(They say pregnancy makes you crave some weird things)
With only 1 month until the due date we are getting really close to having everything ready. Everyone has gotten us really great gifts at the showers and Larry finished staining Dana's great-grandmothers old dresser.
The decorations are getting put up in the baby's room.
And Larry's co-workers have found a sonogram of what the little guy looks like.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Coolest Aunt and Uncle Ever
Larry's excuse for being so lazy is:
1. He has always been lazy and he is getting too old to change his way now.
2. He is worn out after spending a long weekend partying with Emma and James (one of his favorite things to do!)
Here's a shot of Emma and Larry playing Dora the Explorer in the Devils Ice Box Cave.

To Larry's surprise, Emma kept telling Larry they should keep going, and even thought it was cool when they turned off their light when they were as far into the cave as they could go.
Not to be out done, James wanted to show off his adventurist side by having uncle Larry show him how to rock climb.

Emma even showed uncle Larry a thing or two about her technique for plugging the water jet.

James preferred to stick to the water jets that were a little more his size.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Out of town
Dana first headed to Paola for a baby shower before going onto Chicago for work. Before we left town the little Simonson's room looked like this:

When we got back and unloaded everything from the baby shower it filled the room so full we could not get in to take another picture. Thank you to everyone that attended. Time to get to work organizing and preparing for the big day.
Before returning from Chicago Dana stopped off in Lincoln, NE to visit her brother. He's been doing really well and is going strong with his recovery.
(Collin doesn't smell quite a nice as Dana but he's about the same size)
The entire gang had a great time but as always, what happens on Ragbrai stays on Ragbrai. So if you want the story's you'll just have to come by the homestead for a visit.
(Larry, Matt, Kyle, Eric, Collin)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Science be damned
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Giving it another go

Well, that's all for now. Be sure to check back at least weekly for the Simonson Life updates, good times, and noodle salad (if you can tell us were the "good times, noodle salad" line is from you'll win a high five).
Monday, October 26, 2009
Home at last
Dana spent the majority of her time at home working on some of her many projects. She was able to put a huge dent in all her sewing projects and really enjoyed the time she spent editing video and making DVD's. That's not to say she didn't spend any time relaxing.
Larry spent his time at home doing chores and making scones for Dana. He also spent some of his time running errands.
Now that it's fall, all the leaves have changed colors and both Dana and Larry agree that with all the trees and hills Columbia has to offer this is one of the prettiest falls they have ever experienced. There are so many colors. There are reds, oranges, yellow's, and green's and when the sun sets on the hills it looks like they are glowing. Dana saw this change in seasons as a great...

...and decided to get a few shots of what our backyard looks like in the fall.