We would like to send out a huge thank you to the Wrenicks for having a baby shower for us! Also, thanks to everyone that came. We really enjoyed visiting with everyone and Larry couldn't get enough of practicing to be a dad.

(Dads hide in Thomas the Tank tents and scare children as they come close, right?)
We also really enjoyed the diaper cake. Although, they really should put a warning on those things. Dana found out the hard way that its a cake made of diapers, not a cake made to look like its made of diapers.
(They say pregnancy makes you crave some weird things)
With only 1 month until the due date we are getting really close to having everything ready. Everyone has gotten us really great gifts at the showers and Larry finished staining Dana's great-grandmothers old dresser.
The decorations are getting put up in the baby's room.
And Larry's co-workers have found a sonogram of what the little guy looks like.