Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pedaler's Jamboree

This past weekend Dana and Larry attended the Pedaler's Jamboree. The Pedaler's Jamboree is a bike powered music and camping festival! For this two-wheeled celebration, we rode 30 miles of the most scenic part of the Katy Trail, from Columbia to Boonville, stopping for great live music, beverages, and fun along the way. That evening we camped and enjoyed live music by Big Smith. The following day we rode our bikes back to Columbia and once again stopped along the way for great live music, beverages, and tons of fun.

As always, the Debrick clan could not pass up a good time and decided to attend the Jamboree as well. Now that's a biker gang if I ever saw one.

Since Dana and Larry are new to the area, they thought it would be a good idea to find a way to stand out. Although they didn't get as many people to talk to them as they thought they would. Wonder why?

Our first stop along the trail was the largest tree in Missouri.

It took 8 people to hug the tree.

Our next stop was this huge cave that had a river running through it. We tried to see how far back into it we could go, but it started to get pretty dark and Ken ended up using it as a "rest" stop.

Along the way Dana's parents and Aunt and Uncle set up rest stops. I guarantee no one got taken care of or fed as well as we did. Just look at that buffet!

Nothing says "Man's Man" like dancing by yourself in the middle of a grassy meadow with pink tights and a farmer's tan!

Dana's reaction to realizing she is married to that person dancing in the middle of the grassy meadow.

Our camp site for the night.

While listening to Big Smith that night, we were really surprised at how good they were. We would recommend you go to one of their concerts if you ever get a chance. This is how much fun we had.

Dana had so much fun she didn't want to get out of her sleeping bag the next morning.

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