It was really nice to catch up with them and hear how everyone is doing now that they live so far apart.
It also turned out that even though Dana and Larry didn't have tickets they got the best seats in the stadium for watching KSU beat Texas A&M. Larry's best friend Kyle, owner of Arnold Sound and Video, records video and sound of the KSU marching band at every home game. As it so happened, the world renowned group "The Boston Brass" was going to be giving a special performance during the half time show along with the marching band. Because this was a special event Kyle was asked to do a special recording and to set up a PA system that would showcase The Boston Brass's sound. This turned out to be the most stressful job Kyle had ever undertaken. Normally an entire set up for an event like this usually takes him between 30-60 minutes but because of the time constraints it needed to be done in 2 minutes. To help accomplish this feat Kyle employed Dana and Larry's help. Before the game started Larry and Dana got to walk around the field and see the VIP box seats first hand. As the game got started Dana got to do some filming from the press box while Larry got to high-five the team as they ran onto the field.
(Start of game from Dana's press box perspective)
Once the game got started, and before they needed to get to their posts for their half time duties, Dana and Larry were then allowed to hangout on the field and walk around while watching the game. It was an awesome experience to get to view the game from the sidelines. To quote Dana, " Next to our wedding day, this is the most special day of my life!"
During half time Dana went back to filming while Larry ran cables onto the field before getting to stand and film on the 50 yard line, 10 feet from The Boston Brass. As it was, the entire show went on without a hitch and Dana and Larry got to continue watch the rest of the game from anywhere on the sidelines they want to be. Dana and Larry have heard they were even on T.V. when they were leaning against the goal post during one of the KSU touchdowns.
Here are a few pictures:

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