This weekend Dana and Larry once again partook in the annual Oktoberfest in Hermann MO. They were joined by none other than the famously fun, not to mention Hermann regulars and case club members, community of Block Kansas.
(The fun lovers of Block Kansas at Adam Puchta's)It was so much fun that Chrissy peed her pants. Twice!
(She claims that it was just spilt wine)In the morning we spent our time enjoying the wine at
Bommarito's almond tree winery. Here we are enjoying the scenery and staying warm next to a cozy fire that Nick, the owner, was kind enough to start for us with diesel fuel.

Later on it was off to the
Hermannhof festhalle for polka music and where Paul and Kathy kept the dancing tradition alive.
(Paul and Kathy Haley, a.k.a Dana's parents)Where Larry was the life of the party.

And where Dana got very protective of her jug of wine.

To finish the day we strolled over to the beer garden where we learned who has two thumbs and loves dancing to cheesy hair band rock music...
...This girl!
But of course she was only taking after her mother.
(Kathy getting down)
Kathy was having so much fun that she wouldn't even stop long enough so a picture could be taken of her that wasn't blurry.

That is of course until she got stuck in the fence and needed help out.
(Kathy stuck in the fence)
wow! It seems that Oktoberfest this year was as fun as ever!